This is the standard form. The thank you modal has a slot for adding New Patient forms if a user checks they're a first time patient. Check out this pug file to see how the content is slotted in.
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See style-guide-component component in components for reference.
This is the 'BaseBackground' component, it can be passed a prop (':bgColor') to change the background color. The prop takes a string of the hex-code of the color. Its default styling is set to bg position, center and bg size as cover.
This is the 'BaseImage' component with the 'imageBackground' prop in it's default, 'false', which sets an object-fit to contain so it will behave like an img tag.
This is the 'BaseImage' component with the 'imageBackground' prop toggled true and the object-fit is set to cover so it will behave like a background image on a div.
The grid is not intended to be nested, it is a simple sass grid